I recently came across a former colleague who was candidly inquiring about what I do now. I went on to describe the 4 areas of services I provide; Presentation skills, Speaker coaching, Writing services, and Social Media Marketing (check out the Angaza Solutions website). He was obviously struck most by that last one: – Social Media Marketing services – So we spent the majority of the time discussing how I go about acquiring clients, how much I charge and what I actually do for them.
One of the biggest misconceptions in the field of Social Media Marketing is that we help you set up a Facebook page then charge you $500 for it. As much as that would be a lucrative and insanely crazy idea, it is far from reality. It takes only a few minutes to create a Facebook page or any other social platform for that matter.

The ease of set up and the fact that it is free is what fools most businesses into thinking: “I don’t need a Social Media Manager”. Wrong! (click on the link to see why you’re wrong). Creating a profile is NOT doing social media. It takes time to interact with people, grow your following, and generate the necessary ROI. It also takes consistent posting. Content must be fresh, relevant, and impactful and you have to do it DAILY or several times a day.
Most business owners do not have the time to devote to this type of activity yet they expect to be successful using Social Media to market their products and services. Say you only have Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. You would need to post on each platform daily – at least once a day on Facebook, 5 times a week on LinkedIn, and several times a day on Twitter. Are there any business owners or employees who have the time to do this consistently and with excellence? I believe no!

This is where that $250, $500, or $1000/month comes in. A social media marketing agency will do all the posting for you plus write blogs, analyze the numbers, and review your success rates in order to improve the quality of content. Not so bad is it. AngazaSolutions.com shows the simple breakdown of services provided for each package level.

You need these services in order to be successful at effectively using the free tools offered by all these social media platforms. You have free access to billions of people yet you have to work to find them and engage them. We help you do that, for a fee!
We know you can create a profile or find someone to do that for you BUT a profile with no activity is like a nice looking vehicle with no engine. It looks good but can’t take us anywhere. Let us help take you places.

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